Rants of a Misguided Grad

I entered graduate school hoping to learn more...only to realize that it's turning me into some psycho. Read on about my life and all that's in it :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Completely Random...

Yah so a list of things:

1. I didnt' do anything toooooday...actually proud of myself

2. It's the time of the month again....grrr...feel disgusted :( Sad, lonely, crazy, you name it I feel it. Yah..it was exactly a month from now that I wrote about exactly the same shit. Please Cross-apply that here..grrr :((

3. Brother called told me to look up dad's name on the patents website on google. Funny shit..Found 2 of the 4 patents my dad has. Been trying to read them

4. I still need to do my taxes

5. My committee meeting is in one week...

6. I'm juggling too much shit in my life...It's not fair

7. I want to get a haircut

8. My meeting today for one of my projects was amazing. I'm the lone woman running the show, as the guy above me is leaving. I covered his butt as he had nothing to show...and talked a lot. Felt great. My heads been in clouds since. I haven't shared the new with many yet..Just hope the good luck continues

9. My friend Melissa turns 28 on March 1st!! wohoo

10. Stupid nosy girl in lab on diet asked me again about how much I ate today....Told me to eat more cake as she thought I needed it....Umm I'll leave it at that...I don't feel like ranting on stupid people

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Never Admit to your Faults

I think I've learned this the hard way more than once..but I seem to always make the mistake..mainly because I just want to say it. I do it in school when I mistakenly tell the world I don't know what I'm doing. Then I do it in my personal life telling someone that I may have said something that might have hurt them..when they didn't even realize it.

What happens in the end is I screw my butt..Either people realize I'm a dumbass or start to think I'm one cuz I gave them the easy way out. Or people take the stuff I remind them of, to their advantage and hold it against me.

What may have been something I was trying to fix and say hey I made a mistake....trying to say hell I'm Human...ends up screwing my ass in the long run. Honestly I think I should stop being honest. Honestly I think I should just forget it..and keep my frikkin mouth shut. I'm sick of trying so hard...and then realizing that the mere fact that I was trying to fix something made it worse..and I'm in a worse situation than I ever was in before.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You Are a Coy Flirt

You may not seem like you're flirting, but you know exactly what you're doing.
You draw people in, very calculatingly, without them even knowing.
Subtle and understated, you know how to best leverage your sex appeal.
A sexy enigma, you easily become an object of obsession.

You Are 30% Impulsive

You're a pretty stable and serious person. You don't take things lightly.
This doesn't mean you can't have fun - you just have fun responsibly.
You definitely have a spontaneous side, but you only let loose when it's appropriate.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

You Are 46% Open

You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy.
You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends...
But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life.

Your Love Type: INTJ

The Scientist

In love, you tend to be very private and withdrawn - even when things are going well.
For you, sex is important in a happy relationship. Less important when things aren't going well.

Overall, you are confident, intelligent, and serious about commitment.
However, you tend to hold back and not show your emotions.

Best matches: ENFP and ENTP

You Are An ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Work-life and Home-life..

Yep there is a difference. Something I believe some people need to learn as it's NOT cute at all. I work in a pretty professional atmosphere with people with phds. Today one of the girls on a subset of one of my projects had questions so we went to a post-doc to discuss it..who works on the stuff with us. I sat there and listened while she asked her questions. She started out being all flirty and acted very blondish...rubbing her forehead, playing with her hair, you know the drill. The post-doc sat there waiting till she'd get it out of her, as he was so used to give me question, I give you answer type of situations. After watching her struggle for 7 minutes while she complained of having a bad day and her mind being all over the place (sympathy plea), I spoke up and asked her question for her. The post-doc answered, and we talked for a bit longer while she finally composed herself. I think the post-doc was pissed as he basically ignored her and looked at me to answer the questions.

My issue..I know girls can be like this...In fact I can be one too..but there is a PLACE for it..it's not work for SURE. I am not sure what this girl was trying to get at..but at least in academics if you think you're gonna act stupid or go for the sympathy plea..you won't get far...unless that's the only thing you're good at..and you're looking to get something easy and sleazy from work..

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Ever find yourself yearning for that something yet you don't know what it is? Ever feel like you know it, but then you wonder if that's what it really is. Ever feel so emotional and not know what to do about it? I get like this during my monthly friend time. It's so annoying to sit there and feel uneasy yet have no control of knowing what to do about it..Well I have control..I ignore it...it works about 50% of the time.

Not sure...I'm at a retreat with my group of people I work with. About 200+ of us here..I think. We have quite a bit of time off today finally. I've been spending it to myself, as I needed time away from people.. Yet my way of relaxing means that I usually come home and lay on my bed for a while then usually call a friend or mostly my friends call me, and at this time of day I pick up when I need it. Being at a place with no cell phone signal sucks..I miss that truely fullfilling conversation which leaves me feeling so great. I wonder if that's the conversations I miss or if it's me because of the period..

Wanna crawl up like a cat now...and just lay there...

It's completely not fair that I have to be such an emotional person when it comes to my period. There are so many girls out there who don't feel like shit..yet I have to! It's not fair at ALL :( You feel like crap....you feel like no one gives you enough attention...you feel like you wanna cry, you feel like you don't wanna eat, you feel like blahh...I can't explain it anymore...just not fair! My family has 3 women in it, my mom didn't feel like this when she had her periods, my sister is like immune to the concept of emotions like this though she's very unemotional and also because her periods were irregular her whole life. Then there's me.... :( My good friend who now lives in Spain feels it like I do, and another one of my friends here feels it like I do..otherwise, I'm alone :( I want my space at this time....yet I want that attention.....but the attention I want is only from a select few not the whole world...

Oh and my annoyance of the day..people telling others I love to do lab work because I work like a frikkin machine. Not that I love it, it's more that I need to get the job done..