Dear Higher Power/God,
If there is ever a time I need you...I need you now. I have two wishes and only two. I know you think it may be a lot, but I'll be rational and tell you why I need them both.
My first wish. Please please please please let me marry the man of my dreams. Please please please don't let me get stuck in something I don't want. Please give me the courage to stand up for what I believe and let me do it with the least pain to anyone involved. Rationally, this is the only way, I need to marry someone who would understand me; would know where I come from, what I've done, and where I'd like to go. Walking into something and then realizing both aren't blank slates as we once might have been told by others is not the option for me.
My other wish. I swear this is the only other one. Please please please let me finish my graduate studies. Please let me get a Phd. Please make research make more sense to me, and make me a more efficient person.
I know it's much to ask, but you know I've been yearning for both for years in my life...I don't need to write more as I know there are others who have to get their words in as well :)
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